C.A.R. - Valonia Cover

This is C.A.R.


»Valonia« will be released March 7th 2025 on Bimba Music. Order on Bandcamp.

C.A.R. - Valonia

will be released 
March 7th 2025
on Bimba Music.

Order on Bandcamp.

C.A.R. live at ono2 (Full Concert)

C.A.R. - Debo-See (Live at Jazz Montez Frankfurt)

C.A.R. - Üüüüü
(Official Video)

C.A.R. - Große Trommel
(Official Video)

C.A.R. feat. Damo Suzuki (Can)
live at Ebertplatz, Cologne


12/03/2025 Loft Köln (with Evi Filippou)
13/03/2025 Musikbar Schleuse Zwei Düsseldorf (with Evi Filippou)
30/03/2025 Klunkerkranich Berlin (with Evi Filippou)
31/05/2025 Donau 115 Berlin
26/09/2025 Jazzclub Tonne Dresden
28/09/2025 Dumont Aachen

C.A.R. are

Past Dates
15/12/2024 Sisyphos Berlin
07/12/2024 OFF Bar (ex Acephale) Köln
06/12/2024 Loch Wuppertal
26/07/2024 Burg-Herzberg-Festival Breitenbach
13/07/2024 Holidays Frankfurt am Main
23/06/2024 Open Mind Festival @ Orangerie Theater Köln
13/06/2024 Ebertplatz Köln
04/11/2023 Museum Schnütgen Köln (as Shiva & The Destroyer)
20/10/2023 Exil / Jupiter Hamburg (as Shiva & The Destroyer)
19/10/2023 Weltecho Chemnitz
18/10/2023 Ono2 Frankfurt am Main
17/10/2023 Musik Butik Würzburg
29/07/2023 gARTn Berlin (with Max Loderbauer)
09/06/2023 Volxbad Flensburg
06/11/2022 Dumont Aachen
05/11/2022 Loch Wuppertal
04/11/2022 Urania Köln
03/11/2022 Tonne Dresden
02/11/2022 Ono2 Frankfurt am Main
18/09/2022 Sisyphos Berlin
20/08/2022 Parkbeben Festival Neustadt am Rübenberge
19/08/2022 Hanseatische Materialverwaltung Hamburg
18/08/2022 Ebertplatz Köln
03/06/2022 King Georg Köln
03/05/2022 Acht Brücken Köln
22/10/2021 Cologne Music Week | St. Michael Kirche Köln
06/10/2021 Urbäng Festival Köln
19/08/2021 Sisyphos Berlin
12/08/2021 Import Export München
05/08/2021 Kraut am Ebertplatz Köln
20/11/2020 Jazzclub Tonne Dresden CANCELED :(
08/10/2020 Gretchen Berlin CANCELED :(
10/09/2020 Kühlhaus Flensburg
03/09/2020 Weltecho Chemnitz
18/07/2020 Knust Hamburg
28/06/2020 Midtsommerjazz Flensburg CANCELED :(
07/06/2020 Ost-Passage Theater Leipzig CANCELED :(
03/06/2020 Stadtgarten / Jaki Köln (with Damo Suzuki) CANCELED :(
01/06/2020 Klunkerkranich Berlin CANCELED :(
31/05/2020 Hanseatische Materialverwaltung Hamburg CANCELED :(
31/05/2020 674.fm Live Radio Gig @ Radio Maria
28/05/2020 Irgendwo Bremen CANCELED :(
14/12/2019 Weltkunstzimmer Düsseldorf
13/12/2019 Gemeinde (Ebertplatz) Köln
02/11/2019 Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
19/10/2019 Jazzwoche Hannover
05/10/2019 Casa Banchel Madrid, ES
07/08/2019 Soho House Berlin
03/08/2019 Acephale & Friends Sommer Festival Köln
02/08/2019 Irgendwo Bremen
01/08/2019 Skandaløs Festival Neukirchen
27/07/2019 Holidays Open Air Frankfurt am Main
20/07/2019 Ebertplatz Köln (with Damo Suzuki)
26/06/2019 Fusion Festival Lärz
25/04/2019 Gewölbe Köln
03/04/2019 Bar Tausend Berlin
02/04/2019 Jazzlab Hamburg
31/03/2019 Jazzclub International Jena
30/03/2019 Retronom Erfurt
29/03/2019 Trip [III] @ mjut Leipzig
28/03/2019 Klunkerkranich Berlin
27/03/2019 AMP Frankfurt am Main
23/03/2019 Loch Wuppertal
22/11/2018 Klangstärke°18 Festival Hildesheim
18/11/2018 JIM Festival / Zhufang Village Ruijin, China
17/11/2018 JIM Festival / Times Museum Guangzhou, China
16/11/2018 JIM Festival / Goethe Institut Theater Beijing, China
15/11/2018 JIM Festival / Idutang Shenzhen, China
02/10/2018 Theater Urania Köln
30/08/2018 NYD Festival Flensburg
16/08/2018 Irgendwo Bremen
17/07/2018 Niehler Freiheit Köln
14/07/2018 Import Export München
13/07/2018 Holidays Open-Air Frankfurt am Main
14/06/2018 King Georg Köln
29/03/2018 Humboldthain Club Berlin
25/03/2018 Dumont Aachen
13/12/2017 Bikaner House Delhi, India
10/12/2017 Kolkata Jazzfest Kolkata, India
07/12/2017 Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum, India
06/12/2017 Blue Frog Bangalore, India
03/12/2017 International Hyderabad Jazz Festival Hyderabad, India
01/12/2017 G5A Mumbai, India
29/11/2017 Goethe Institute Pune, India
26/11/2017 Goethe Institute Chennai, India
24/11/2017 Goethe Institute Colombo, Sri Lanka
21/11/2017 National Academy of Performing Arts Karachi, Pakistan
19/11/2017 Pakistan National Art Gallery Islamabad, Pakistan
23/09/2017 Christuskirche Düsseldorf
21/09/2017 Literaturfest Niedersachsen Bruchhausen-Vilsen
20/09/2017 Literaturfest Niedersachsen Melle
14/09/2017 Stadtgarten / Tripclubbing Köln
08/09/2017 Noch Besser Leben Leipzig
06/09/2017 Bar Tausend Berlin
04/09/2017 Jazzclub / Loch Wuppertal
23/06/2017 Import Export München
03/02/2017 Jazzclub Tonne Dresden
14/01/2017 Winterjazz Festival Köln
13/01/2017 Künstlerwerkstatt e.V. Pfaffenhofen
15/11/2016 Acephale Köln
14/11/2016 Tonelli´s Leipzig
12/11/2016 Retronom Erfurt
10/11/2016 Bar Tausend Berlin
09/11/2016 Exit Düsseldorf
14/06/2016 Acephale Köln
13/06/2016 C-Keller Weimar
11/06/2016 Museum Bautzen
10/06/2016 Noch Besser Leben Leipzig
07/05/2016 Montez Frankfurt a. M.
22/01/2016 Tiefgarage Köln
27/11/2015 Sommerloch Wuppertal
21/11/2015 Kolbhalle Köln
03/10/2015 CVJM Lübeck
02/10/2015 Kulturforum Kiel
01/10/2015 Orpheus Theater Flensburg
30/09/2015 Birdland Hamburg
19/09/2015 Kölner Musiknacht Köln
18/09/2015 Acephale Köln
29/08/2015 Odonien Köln
17/07/2015 Festival L*abore Heinsdorfergrund
27/06/2015 Ludwigs´ Crib Witten
26/06/2015 Fusion Festival Neustrelitz
30/04/2015 Neptun Platz Openair Köln
06/02/2015 Coco Schmitz Köln
25/01/2015 Jazzclub Int. Jena
24/01/2015 Kulturraum Mainzer 7 Berlin
23/01/2015 Noch Besser Leben Leipzig
11/01/2015 Dumont Aachen
18/11/2014 Projekt 66 Köln
27/10/2014 C-Keller Weimar
24/10/2014 Kiste Stuttgart
07/10/2014 Jazzschmiede Düsseldorf
14/09/2013 Studio 672 Köln
22/06/2013 Odonien Köln
31/05/2013 Zimmermanns Köln
09/02/2013 Herr Nilsson Düsseldorf
19/08/2012 Barracuda Bar Köln
12/07/2012 Stecken Köln
19/04/2012 Stecken Köln
07/01/2012 Lichtstraße 23 Köln
Releases / Merch
C.A.R. - Gästeliste


The Cologne Krautjazz band C.A.R. has been around for ten years now. It's a good reason to go into the studio with old and new friends. The "psychedelic four" (Die Zeit) invited singer Pegelia Gold, synthesizer veteran Max Loderbauer, and percussionist Niklas Wandt for joint sessions at the Candy Bomber Studio in Berlin-Tempelhof, simply to record without a specific plan. The chemistry was right, and the result is an album in which the guests can leave their individual marks within the C.A.R. band sound, which acts as a unifying element and sometimes embraces both ethereal and quirky passages. The album spans from the ambient pop of "A Signal From a Mouth" with Pegelia Gold's whispered vocal passages to the percussive eccentricities in "Major Step In Your Career," reminiscent of Niklas Wandt's solo work, all the way to cosmic explorations with Max Loderbauer, as heard in "Osaka Highway" with its stream of consciousness-like collective improvisational world. The band's first round birthday party seems to have been a success, and they're toasting to the next ten years with filter coffee cups and whiskey tumblers with anyone who wants to join!

Release December 8th 2023 on Bimba Music. Vinyl and digital.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp

Shiva & The Destroyer – Casa Banchel

Shiva & The Destroyer – Casa Banchel

Shiva & The Destroyer is the ethereal parallel identity (seventh astral level of the M'Lu-Chi scale, beta incarnation) of the Krautjazz group C.A.R. from Cologne-Berlin. Their creative crucible melds the essence of ancient mysticism with the avant-garde spirit, invoking the very essence of Kabel (energetic conduits), Kostüme (metaphysical attire), and Klangschalen (resonating vessels).

Released September 2023 on Planet Akwa. Digital only.

Order via Bandcamp

C.A.R. - Any Percent Cover

Any Percent

After their 2020 garage-psy-jam-jazz album „Befunde ab 1999“, Cologne-based kraut-jazz outfit C.A.R. entered a proper studio again (the incredible „Candy Bomber“ Studio in Berlin) and asked legendary Krautrock and Neue Deutsche Welle producer René Tinner (known for his work with Joachim Witt and Trio among countless others) to join them to create their new full lenght „Any Percent“. Mixed with elaborate care by Ingo Krauss, the result is a more structured and brilliant sounding piece of music, more akin to their 2018 album „Look Behind You“. But beware, what might seem simplistic at first sight, unveils more and more layers of detail with each listen. Between the motorik-induced but playful drum beats and the delay-bathed synth and sax sounds, there is a whole sonic universe to be discovered.

Release November 19th 2021 on Bimba Music. Vinyl and digital.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

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C.A.R. - Elektronik / Erlösung Cover

Elektronik / Erlösung

On »Elektronik / Erlösung« the Cologne-based kraut jazz group C.A.R. plunge deep into their collection of synthesizers, tape delays and space echoes to take a journey inwards in the form of two extended improvised musical pieces.

The title track starts off as an exercise in musique concrete, slowly and steadily pulling the listener into a dizzying vortex of sound and noise, until eventually finding sonic redemption in an extensive percussive spaced-out coda.

Second tune »Quintessenz« is no less immersive, wandering through soothing drones of sound, keeping the listener captivated by its constantly evolving flickering synth sounds and vocal melodies, subtly building in complexity and urgency as it evolves.

Released February 26th 2021 on *akʷā music. Digital only.

Order via Bandcamp
Listen to »Elektronik / Erlösung« on Spotify
Listen to »Elektronik / Erlösung« on Apple Music

C.A.R. - Elektronik / Erlösung Cover

Limited edition pillowcases by artist Tina Kohlmann

In response to the release of »Elektronik / Erlösung«, artist Tina Kohlmann created the cover artwork for the record as well as a limited edition. Ousia is a series of hand-bleached pillowcases in various colours, all taking you one step closer to the EP’s eponymous redemption – set and setting, here we go.

Kohlmann's pillowcases and the »Elektronik / Erlösung« Poster are available through *akʷā music's website.

C.A.R. - Befunde ab 1999 Cover

Befunde ab 1999

The Cologne-based kraut jazz formation C.A.R. present their new album „Befunde ab 1999“. While its 2018 predecessor„Look Behind You“ was quite polished and Hi-Fi, „Befunde“ is a beast of a different spirit – this time the C.A.R. went to the garage to jam! The result is a collection of freely improvised pieces which range from afro-tinged sequenzer-grooves to extended psych-rock jams and motorik-beat workouts, loosely following the kraut-commonplace of "scream your heart / wreck your brain".

Released July 10th 2020 on Bimba Music. Vinyl and digital.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp

C.A.R. - Look Behind You

Look Behind You

C.A.R. is presenting their second album „Look Behind You“. After the field trips into the world of Pop and Electronica covers on their 2017 EP „Interlude“ the band returns to original compositions again. It was recorded and mixed at the Dumbo Studios in Cologne by Jan Philipp Janzen and Phillip Tielsch, also known as members of the Post-Krautrock outfit Von Spar. Yet another band, whose sound is hard to pin down to genre conventions.

On the album you can find all the sonic elements that C.A.R. has adopted in the course of their seven year existence so far. From composed melodies to improvised sounds, from ambient collages to Duesseldorf beats. But all of this comes without conceptual limitations or formal orchestrations, always focused on the natural flow of music.

Released July 13th 2018 on Bimba Music. Vinyl, CD and digital.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp

Interlude EP

Interlude EP

Covering other people’s music is a great way to expand your own musical horizons; to explore what makes these compositions tick; and to let them shine in a new and (hopefully) interesting light by giving them your own individual coloring. This is why we always took joy in spicing up our live shows by covering tunes by some of our favorite artists. This is a collection of some of them.

Released in September 2017. Limited to 500 pieces. CD in hand printed sleeve, made with a lot of love in collaboration with Lorenz Klingebiel. Because of the special printing process (using a risograph) every individual copy looks slightly different and unique.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp

Interlude EP Limited Print

Limited Edition Poster »Interlude EP«

The beautiful cover art of the Interlude EP as a high quality print poster. Due to the special printing technique, using a risograph, every print looks slightly different and unique. Limited to 100.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp

Shipping costs are wildly divergent. Please contact us via mail for a personal offer based on your location.

Beyond The Zero Cover

Beyond The Zero

Our album debut. Recorded May 2014. Released October 2014 by Unit Records.

(write us a mail with your order and pay through bank transfer)

Order via Bandcamp


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+49 (0)176 23567404

fao fans of kraut-jazz,
this is good.

James Holden

Defining the future of sound

Jazzfest Kolkata

Intuitiv gehe ich davon aus,
dass die Männer, die hinter
der Band C.A.R. stehen,
nett sind.

Leif Randt, Positionen – Texte zur aktuellen Musik

Magische Momente bei der
Kölner Band C.A.R.

Klaus Fiehe, 1LIVE

Mit einer Mischung aus Jazz,
Krautrock und Ambient schaffen
C.A.R. eine intime Atmosphäre.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The music of C.A.R. tends
to be psychedelic, ambient
and spatial, with a rather
calming, even spiritual effect.


Trippy Shit zum Wegspacen
und Abdriften.

Fusion Festival Programmheft

Delicate jazz textures with
freakout noise and digital vamps.
A journey worth taking.


Ein Trip gewissermaßen,
sanft und subtil.

Thomas Volkmann, Jazzpodium

Die psychedelischen Vier
von C.A.R., die Repetition
und Wabern vereinen.

Ulrich Stock, Die Zeit

Bei C.A.R. scheinen die alten
Äcker des Jazz auf einem
anderen Planeten zu liegen.

Jörg Meyer, Kieler Nachrichten

Durch eine Vielzahl
elektronischer Effekte und eine
stark ausgeprägte Rhythmik bekommt
ihre Musik etwas Meditatives.

Dietmar Ebert,Thüringische Landeszeitung

Garanten für einen zügigen
Trip! Dringend empfohlen!

Dieter Manderscheid